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Newborn baby - services avauilable from Our Village Midwife


Let's get to the good bit!

Here are all the care packages that I currently offer - why not make a cuppa and have a look at how I can support you during pregnancy and birth. Please don't hesitate to reach out or book a free no-obligation chat so we can start making the magic happen. I cannot wait to hear from you.

Packages of Care

Full Birth Care Packagefrom Our Village Midwife, Kent
Full Birth Care
Antenatal care package from Our Village Midwife
Mini Antenatal Package
Elective c-section care package from Our Village Midwife
Elective C-Section
Postnatal care package from Our Village Midwife
Mini Postnatal Package
One-off visit care package from Our Village Midwife
One-off Visits
Phone call from Our Village Midwife
Call with me

Other Offerings


Sneak Peek available from Our Village Midwife, Kent

The only 99.9% accurate early gender DNA test, starting at
6 weeks into pregnancy.

Simple blood test | Affordable | Fast!



Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) can screen for the absence or presence of specific chromosome disorders and gives a >99% accuracy rate. Testing available from 10 weeks and is more accurate than first trimester screening.


Birth Pool Hire

Hire your birth pool and all the necessary items
right here!


I am your one-stop shop for the full kit and have both regular and mini pools to suit both your space and needs.

Full Birth Care

Full Birth Care from Our Village Midwife, Kent

Yay! You're here because you are looking for personalised and relationhsip-based care throughout your pregnancy and into parenthood - I've got you, lovely. 


You will experience the incredible benefits of continuity of carer; I will be your dedicated midwife who builds relationship and trust with you and your family wherever you choose to birth. Your appointments all take place in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. The un-pressured style of appointment allows plenty of time to talk about your pregnancy and your plans for birth, as well as planning for the postnatal period.


Antenatal Care


Each antenatal appointment will last for 1-2 hours. During your appointment, I will take time to check in with you (and family) and I will offer to check in with baby's health and wellbeing too. Your care is your care, and it will always be tailored to your needs and wishes.


As standard, I offer the following as part of your care:

  • Previous birth debrief (if needed)

  • Full clinical checks for you and baby(ies)

  • Preparation for labour and birth

  • Hypnobirthing techniques

  • Colostrum Harvesting kit

  • Introduction and preparation for breast/chestfeeding

  • Aromatherapy to use during pregnancy


Your first appointment usually takes place between 7-10 weeks and this is your official booking in appointment. After this, visits will take place at around 12, 16, 21, 25, 28, 31, 34, 36 weeks and then weekly until your baby makes their appearance. However, these visits are tailored to your own needs, so this schedule is only a guide.


If birthing at home, you will have two attendants at your birth. This is to provide gold-standard care and to always ensure safety first - it's one midwife for you and one for baby! You will see me for all of your care but you will have the option to meet the other attendant if you wish. This gives you the opportunity to get to know them and benefit from their experience too, which in turn will set you up beautifully for birth.

Homebirth in the pool, Margate with Our Village Midwife



I will be on-call for you 24/7 from 37 weeks and I can guarantee that you will have your chosen and trusted birth cheerleader with you whenever you need it. If you are planning to birth in the hospital, I can either support you at home during early labour and then we can make the journey together (I'm an excellent bag-carrier!) or I can meet you there. Whilst in hospital, I am able to act as your support and advocate - think professional birth partner extraordinaire along with all of my knowledge and experience. 


If you are planning to birth at home, I will come whenever you feel like you need it and stay with you until after your baby has been born. I believe in the physiology of birth, and this is the approach that I take first and foremost when supporting birth to unfold. When birth is nearing, I will contact the second midwife to come. 


Every homebirth package includes the following as standard:

  • 2 experienced midwives on call for you 24/7 from 37 weeks

  • A birth pool to use if desired

  • A single use birth pool accessory kit to keep

  • Use of a TENS machine

  • Aromatherapy and massage to support labour

  • Entonox for pain relief

  • A wooden labour comb to keep

  • Immediate postnatal care for the whole family

  • Assistance with initiation of your chosen method of feeding

  • Vitamin K for baby if desired

  • Newborn Examination as part of the national screening programme


Once your birth is complete, we will do all the clearing up, make you comfortable and make you all a cuppa! This leaves you to focus on your new addition and enjoy those precious early moments as a new family. I will stay with you for a few hours after birth and make sure all is well. I won't leave until you feel ready for me to do so.


Home birth is available as a package by itself.

This will include 3 antenatal visits, birth and immediate postnatal care only. 

Homebirth only Package: £5000
Baby born at home with Our Village Midwife

Postnatal Care


I care deeply about your postnatal time, sometimes known as the fourth trimester. So often, this time can feel overwhelming and your hormones can take you on a bit of a rollercoaster! Having personally had tricky feeding journeys, concerns about baby's weight and potential allergies as well as having one of my babies during COVID, I absolutely understand the importance of complete, comprehensive postnatal care. I want you to feel held and supported, like a big warm hug.  


I am so happy to offer you 4 weeks of postnatal care, in your own home. There will be no trekking to clinic on day 5 with a massive nappy between your legs for YOU my lovely! I will be there every step of the way as you adjust into life with your newest little family member. In the first week alone, you can expect at least 5 visits (day 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 after birth). If you have birthed in hospital, I will see you either the same day or the day after you get home, depending on time.


Each of these visits will offer a full postnatal check for you and your baby, support with your chosen method of feeding and I'll bring all my tips and tricks for looking after a newborn with me! I'll offer to monitor your baby's weight and on day 5 you will be offered the Newborn Blood Spot Test to screen for genetic and metabolic disorders. 


You will then be offered visits on around day 10, 14, 21 and 28. However, as this is your care package and your postnatal experience, this will be completely tailored to your needs. 


Book your Full Birth package now - payment plans are always available
Safety First!


Your safety is always at the forefront of the care I provide. I am an experienced midwife and I carry equipment and drugs for all emergency situations which I am highly trained to manage


All midwives are registered with the NMC and work under the NMC's code of conduct to maintain their professional PIN. I am also part of the RCN union. 


It is a legal requirement in this country for all midwives to have full indemnity insurance and this is included in every package of birth care. I am registered with Zest and I access insurance through them, from MGAM.


I have also completed my aromatherapy for childbirth training and this in included in each package.

Zest Midwives
Aromatherapy for Childbirth available through Our Village Midwife
An elective c-section package is available from Our Village Midwife
Elective C-Section Packagefrom Our Village Midwife, based in Margate, Kent
An elective c-section package is available from Our Village Midwife
An elective c-secton package from Our Village Midwife

Elective C-Section Package


If you already know that you're planning to birth your baby by ceasarean section, I've still got you for top-notch comprehensive antenatal and postnatal care.  You may want to choose this method of birth because you've had one (or two plus) previously or you have a medical condition that means this could be the safest way to birth your baby. 


The antenatal and postnatal care that you will receive is exactly the same, the only difference is that you are planning to birth your baby in the hospital by c-section. 


Antenatal Care

Each appointment will last 1-2 hours and will take place in the comfort of your own home. During each visit, I will check in with you (and family) and offer to check in with baby's health and wellbeing. Your care package will include as standard:


  • Previous birth debrief (if needed)

  • Preparation for a calm C-section birth

  • Colostrum Harvesting kit

  • Introduction and preparation for breast/chestfeeding

  • Hypnobirthing techniques

  • Aromatherapy to use for pregnancy


Your first visit usually takes place between 7-10 weeks and then I will offer visits at around 12, 16, 21, 25, 28, 31, 34, 36 weeks and then weekly until your baby makes their appearance.


As you will also be receiving NHS consultant care throughout the pregnancy, you will have a few extra appointments at the hospital in order to make the best plan for your birth. I am very happy to accompany you to any appointments if needed. 



If you would like to see my friendly face on the morning of your C-section, I am more than happy to be with you in the hospital as you get ready for birth. However, if you would prefer to have the time as a family unit, that's totally fine too.



You will receive the exact same care as the full care package, with the exception that your visits will start either the day you get home or the day after, depending on what time of day it is. 


Postnatal care is so important, and as a mum of 3, I absolutely understand how vital it is to be held and supported during this time. I will offer you 4 weeks of postnatal care, all at home, with very frequent visits in the first week.


I will offer to help you monitor your own recovery, checking on the scar healing progress and helping you to ease back into being able to gently move around. I will support you with your chosen method of feeding and keep a good eye on you and baby's progress. 


I'm an excellent tea and coffee maker too, and I will look after you so you can look after baby. 


Book your full C-Section Package now

Home visit icon from Our Village Midwife

One-Off Visit

When things feel a bit overwhelming or confusing and you just need a good sounding board - I'm your person! I offer one-off appointments for anything that you feel you might need. Some examples could be:


  • Pre-conception chatting

  • Birth debrief

  • Birth planning

  • Second opinion to discuss results/options

  • An extra appointment between your NHS midwife

  • Postnatal support, breastfeeding on your own sofa, baby weight check etc


These visits allow you to have a 1:1 appointment, in your own home, whenever suits you. Each visit will last 1-2 hours and is entirely bespoke to your needs. I can do full antenatal or postnatal checks if required and I can check your baby’s weight progress. Or you might just feel that you need a safe space to be heard, held and validated.


Book your one-off visit now

Home visit with Our Village Midwife
Antenatal packages from Our Village Midwife

Mini Antenatal Packages
from £400

You are simply looking for...more. More time. More visits. More check-ins with baby. More face-to-face chats with an experienced midwife. A little mini antenatal package gives you the more, sprinkled with a whole lot of love and care. These are available in either blocks of 3 or 5 visits and are intended to run alongside your NHS care.


During these visits, I can offer a full antenatal check each time to make sure you and baby are all tickety-boo, but you also get the gift of a lot of added time. Time to chat, to explore options, birth preferences, birth education and hypnobirthing techniques. Aromatherapy for pregnancy is also available at a top-up charge of £35. 


This is also an excellent option if you want to avoid hospital or clinical settings as much as possible or if you want the huge benefit of being able to discuss your care in your own home in an unhurried, unpressurised environment. If you do go on to book a full care package or C-section package, what you've already paid will be taken off the final amount. 


Why not invest on behalf of a pregnant loved one and give the gift of some extra personalised visits?! There will be no regrets, I promise you!


Book your mini antenatal package now

Postnatal appointments from Our Village Midwife

Mini Postnatal
from £400

Let's be honest, NHS postnatal care is underfunded and for the vast majority, short-lived. This is the time that you need the most holding and nurturing as you begin to tread the baby steps of your new normal.


I am here for you. I get it. I've been you. A mini package is available in either blocks of 3 or 5 visits, and you can use them anytime from day 1 up until 4 weeks postnatal.  Often, you are discharged at around day 10 by your NHS midwife but you may feel that you want the care to continue past this. 


I can provide full postnatal checks for you and your baby, weight monitoring if required and feeding support for whatever way you choose to feed your baby. As part of this, we can explore and unpack your birth experience if that feels good and safe to do so. 


IMO, this makes the best gift that you could give a pregnant loved one. Move over expensive equipment that doesn't get used, instead give the gift of help, time, a listening ear and practical support. It's the gift that lasts a lifetime!


Book your mini postnatal package now

Postnatal visit appointment with Our Village Midwife
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